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Kalgoorlie Media Workshop Planned for March - Book Now!

I'm so excited to have teamed up with my friend and PR guru Linda Parkes of Eyes on You Media to offer workshops on how to access the media. There is so much opportunity for people to spread the word about what they do, but so many opportunities get missed.

Linda and I will be teaching you how to get yourself and you special project noticed by the media, how to get your story out there using traditional forms of media - it's a lot easier than you might think. And best of all this type of media exposure is free!

Our first road-trip is to a place very special to me - KALGOORLIE! I can't wait to head back to the red dirt and catch up with some special people.

Our workshops will be held on March's a bit more info...

Become the story!

When times are tough, one of the first things to be sliced from the budget is marketing. But without marketing how do you get your message out there? There is a way… and it’s free! Traditional forms of media are under-utilised communication platforms. At our interactive workshop we will show you how to claim thousands of dollars in free publicity – it is not complicated, difficult or expensive.

Making the Media Work for You

3 hour workshop on working with traditional forms of media to get your message out there.

What will be covered?

  • Why Approach Traditional Media Outlets?

  • Why You? (Why not?)

  • Where Do I Start?

  • Getting the Message out There – from Press Release to Publication

When will it happen?

Tuesday 15th March

A 10am-1pm B 2pm-5pm C Evening session EOI

Where will it be held?

Felix Cowle Suite, KBCCI, 58 Egan St, Kalgoorlie

What’s the cost?

$90 + GST (payable by March )

If you are a Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce Member you get a discount and pay just $70 + GST.

How do I sign up?

e-mail with Kalgoorlie Workshop in the subject line, include your name, contact details and preferred workshop time in the body of the e-mail. I'll forward you more details - or call my mobile 0419 959 206.

Who are the trainers?

Lorraine Horsley the director of Word on a Wire Writing Services.

Lorraine has worked as a freelance writer and reporter, an ABC radio presenter and producer, a news camera-operator/editor and an independent video producer.

She knows what happens behind the scenes and how to catch a producer’s eye.

Linda Parkes the director of Eyes on You Media.

Linda is an award winning journalist with international credits in magazines and newspapers. She has worked for BBC and independent radio newsrooms. Her passion for PR has seen her win major accounts in a huge variety of sectors.

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